Dance Your Cares Away.

28 04 2008

The Daddy Daughter Dance was this last week. Here are a few pre-dance shots for your enjoyment… Glitter Glue Princess decided that the boutonnière didn’t look good with her dad’s polo shirt, so we used it as a hair adornment.

Dressy Pants for Skinny Kids – a sewing challenge

26 04 2008

Glitter Glue Princess had a county-wide recorder concert that she had to play in for school. Every Fourth Grader in the county played the same song with the City Symphony. Of course, every Fourth Grader (at least the ones in MY house) had to dress up for the event too.

She already had a lovely dressy silky shirt that she felt would be “sooo grown up” for the event. Being that it is still chilly, we didn’t find skirts to be quite warm enough, so we went on a hunt for some dress pants. She is reaching that age where she thinks she needs to fit in to the crowd, and that means store bought clothes. I knew that she’d need an adjustable waist, and so we tried on what we could find, which was very little in the dressy category. After she tried a bunch on, she finally relented, and allowed me to sew her something.

I made her a pair of black stretch woven boot cut pants over the weekend. The issue is that she is about a size 7 in the waist and a size 12 in the length. I used Kwiksew 2666 for the pattern. They have an invisible flat waistband, yet have elastic to be comfortable while she is sitting in the auditorium for the concert. Here are pictures of the final outfit.

Happy girl, happy smile, off to have a recorder concert.

Thank you…

26 04 2008

The absolutely divine miss Gorgeous Things bestowed a gift on me that I wanted to share… an italian sewing magazine from her collection. (correction – “an italian fashion magazine” as noted on the cover, but written in German on the cover (the magazine IS from Italy though)- thanks Kim) I remembered her rum punch recipe and her parties from an earlier entry. Before this, I only had topkids and ottobre sewing magazines. This opens my eyes to a whole new perspective. Now if I only knew italian…. But hey, that is what the internet is for, right?

Her foundation keeps getting bigger

21 04 2008

Took the Glitter Glue Princess to get sandals this weekend.  She’s now officially a womens size 7….  And she is 9 years old.

If anyone in the shoe industry is paying attention:  could you please make more adult sized sandals that are not:  a) just flip flops, b)grecian sandals, or c)high heels.  It was terribly hard to find something appropriate for a young girl to wear that didn’t look like, in her terms, “old lady shoes”.  I refuse to let her wear flip flops all summer.  We finally found something, at Target nonetheless, made of black leather, with a full wide band across the top of the foot.   Still, it shouldn’t take an entire afternoon to find a simple pair of sandals.

Visiting Grandma and Grandpa…Gross-out style.

15 04 2008

Glitter Glue Princess visited Grandma and Grandpa in an overnight trip last week during spring break.  *sniff* It was her first overnight that was REALLY overnight – the best she had done before this was sleeping over with her BFF who lives next door.  This was a really momentous occasion.

Glitter Glue Princess went with them to the Grossology exhibit at the Alden B Dow Museum in Midland, MI.  What follows are the photos that she took during her trip:

Ummm, yes.  That is indeed snot coming out of the spigot above – gross, yes?

And these are a few taken by her Grandparents…

“Say Hello to My Lee-tle Freend”

10 04 2008

When Glitter Glue Princess goes away to Grandma’s house, I work on fun stuff…


This is my little friend, my version of a sock monkey. He was created using Little MissMatched knee socks. Now, knee socks are just a wee bit big for making little sock monkeys, so we had a bit extra to make the hat… I used the standard sock monkey directions from red heel, but left off the tail – it wasn’t aesthetically pleasing. I also left off the embroidered mouth line – he is so much more mysterious without it.

Of course, as soon as she saw him, she wanted him immediately… She wasn’t feeling good after her trip to Grandma’s, so I relented and shared.

I will *allow* her to borrow him for a day or two, but then he is coming back to reside on my computer table with me…

Horseback Riding with the Principal

7 04 2008

Glitter Glue Princess won a horseback ride with the Principal during a silent auction a couple months back when the school did a fundraiser for upgrading a part of the computer system. Now that it is finally warm enough, she was able to go and complete the ride:

While they were gone, I found the barn cats and their new litters of kittens… There were two mamas and 5 kittens in total. They weren’t happy with me wanting to look at them but I did get one shot of a kitten:

One of the mamas:

After she returned and saw the kittens, of course it became a discussion of when we would be getting a new cat… We’re leaving that discussion for another day, and hopefully she won’t remember her desire for a hedgehog…!

Sewing, sewing, and more sewing

6 04 2008

The sewing studio has been humming a bit lately, now that we have conquered a few after school activities.

Glitter Glue Princess sewed a lovely bag from some double faced fabric…

I made her up a fleece shrug of her own, since she kept stealing mine… I made this in an XS womans size, considering that she will grow into it. I left the sleeves longer for the same reason…

Umm, yes the cat is really, really angry…

Glitter Glue Princess and I share a nintendo and needed a nice Girly case for it – the ones at the store are so uninspiring… You either get pink or something very boyish. A note to manufacturers – putting a case in pink is not enough – BOR-ING. What about us girls who are not the pinkish sort? Hmmm?

I saw this little number on Craftster and tried to make my own version… I plotted it out on graph paper one night and by the next night had this:

For a bit of perspective on its size, keep in mind that it is sitting on a 1″ grid. It looks like a child’s purse when carried around, which is fine for the Glitter Glue Princess, but not so much for me.

I don’t think the pattern is refined enough to share with anyone as a tutorial yet – I’m thinking about making the card section a separate zippered compartment on the back. More on this later.

As the ground begins to warm, I’m clamoring at the bit to get out and do some tie dye. I… Can’t… Wait!